Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening or bleaching is a simple, non-invasive dental treatment to whitened natural tooth enamel, enhancing the beauty of your smile. Teeth whitening may be accomplished in a dental office or at home. The procedure uses a chemical called peroxide to bleach or whiten teeth.

How is Teeth Whitening Done?

During this procedure a rubber dam is put over your teeth to protect the gums, and a bleaching product is painted onto your teeth. Then a light or laser is shone on the teeth activating the chemical. The light speeds up the reaction of the whitening product achieving faster results.

Does Teeth Whitening Damage Teeth?

We all want a white brighter smile. But this begs the question “does teeth whitening damage the enamel?” The answer is no. While there may sometimes temporary, minor discomfort, whitening treatment is safe on tooth enamel.

How long do whitened teeth last?

The effects from teeth whitening may last up to 2-3 years but varies from person to person. Coffee, tea, smoking and chocolate stain teeth.
At-home whitening kits involve time and effort, each requiring multiple applications. In office, bleaching is faster and arguable safer because it’s professionally done. Dentists use a special hydrogen peroxide gel and a unique light source for faster, more noticeable results.

How Much Can I Save on Teeth Whitening Abroad?

The cost of in-office tooth whitening in the US varies, but averages $692. In Mexico, Costa Rica and Turkey, in-office whitening is about $200. Save several hundred dollars on each professional teeth whitening done abroad.

Teeth whitening Costs

CountryCost  USD ($)
 Costa Rica$250
FINANCING: Interested in financing your new smile? Find out more here

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